Urban Dictionary: chui

. Monday, April 27, 2009

chui 1 up, 2 down love it hate it
A dude that gets drunk every time he drinks, has 365 birthdays throughout the year. Very agreesive in hitting on girls, but never succeeds. Nastiest person on the planet (except for a couple).

from geektechs

Wario Land: Shake It – Amazing footage!


Wario Land: Shake It – Amazing footage! at youtube.com

from geektechs

How To Install Firebug on IE, Safari, Chrome & Opera


install firebug ie
Firebug is a web developer’s best friend. It is a Firefox add-on that makes it very easy to debug and develop web pages. It provides you with a way to inspect page elements and perform many other functions as well. But what about Firebug on other browsers?

from geektechs

New version of Seesmic Desktop

. Saturday, April 25, 2009

here is an updated preview of Seesmic Desktop
-lots of bug fixes thanks to your huge feedback, especially on MS Windows version
(but not only for Windows)
-user lists are now saving in the background each time you make a change so use them
as much as you like!
-"in reply to" support
It's a maintenance release, next one coming very soon will be focusing on new basic features, such as following/unfollowing or adding users to user lists more easily.
if you want to help test/debug please copy and paste in your browser:
please give us feedback at
we also started a new help site where you can find answers to your questions:
you will need to open it with Adobe Air on your computer:

from geektechs

How to add Facebook Connect to your website using Javascript - Pakt.com

. Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Facebook Connect allows web developers to leverage the Facebook social application for their own off-Facebook applications. This tutorial will walk you through setting up a new Facebook application for use with Connect, as well as a couple examples that demonstrate how to use the Javascript API.

from geektechs

UserName Check - Social Networking Username Availability


Find out which social media usernames have already been taken

from geektechs

A handful of items that money can't buy

. Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Money can't buy the live music of life. A hummy Easter morning in my home: laughter, music, glasses clinking, tea kettle boiling. Or the sounds of life's firsts: My 4-year-old son's small, expressive, sing-song voice, which narrated an uncensored and steady stream of conscious thoughts as he puttered around the house searching for (and finding by himself) the brightly colored Easter eggs "hidden" in conspicuous places for him the night before.

Money can't buy the million butterflies released the moment of your first kiss: A once-in-a-lifetime rush of adolescent love that only you and one other person on earth will rightly remember. Money can't buy the sometimes bittersweet feeling that comes years later, when you realize you married the right person.
Money can't buy that deep, comfortable, peaceful sleep-state that settles in just moments before the alarm goes off. Nor can it buy the smell of my grandmother's powder room on a spring day: A combination of old stucco walls, wood floors, faded powders and potions, salt air, earth, and flowering peach trees; a scent that changes slightly when the breeze shifts and stirs the curtains... and summons a different flight of memories.

Money can't buy streams of consciousness, waves of emotion, or torrents of sensory experiences that we swim in right now; the taste, touch, sound, smell, and sight of life unfolding. Money can't buy the feelings, epiphanies, or memories of our firsts and lasts. Money can't buy the things that have the most potent energy, the most sacred meaning or the most precious value, like daydreams and passion and spontaneous laughter and surprise encounters.

Money can't buy back the time that you didn't spend properly in the first place. So just stop for a minute once in a while. Forget the viewfinder. Focus on life, exclusively. Watch it unfold with your own two eyes. Breathe life in. Bathe in it, bask in it, revel in it.

from geektechs

JQuery Accordion Menu


In my previous jQuery post, I explained how to create a drop down menu. As I’ve stated before, there are many different types and styles of menus. For those of you wanting something different, here is an alternative menu.

This tutorial will take you through the creation of a jQuery accordion menu. There is a little twist to this: the menu contains content. Instead of it being links to multiple pages, it is a choice of what content should appear.

from geektechs

CSS-Tricks #60: AJAX Refreshing RSS Content


In video #55 the end result was the FeedSmusher, which inserted content from external RSS feeds onto a page of our own. In this screencast, we will start there and use AJAX (with help from jQuery) to refresh that content without requiring a page refresh.

Running time: 22:56

Direct Download: High Quality, Quicktime .M4V Format (AppleTV Ready)

from geektechs

Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider with jQuery


I love the Coda Slider plugin for jQuery. I’ve used it recently to build a couple of tabbed “widgets”. One here on CSS-Tricks in the sidebar to show Script & Style links, Featured Posts, and Popular Posts. Just kind of a fun way to show lots of content in a small area. I also used it on an article for NETTUTS for a similar purpose.

Both of these examples use the Coda Slider pretty much “out of the box”. Sure the design was heavily altered to fit the job, but the actual functionality wasn’t altered in any way. I recently had the calling to build a “featured content area”. The Coda Slider fit the bill almost perfectly, but it needed a little functionality surgery to do what I wanted it to do. Special thanks to Benjamin Sterling for helping me out and figuring out some quirks for me.

from geektechs

JQuery - Featured Content Glider


This script lets you painlessly showcase new or featured contents on your page, by turning ordinary pieces of HTML content into an interactive, "glide in" slideshow. For the ultimate in the ability to customize its look, the pagination links are also ordinary links that you define on the page, but with special CSS class names inserted when it should perform a certain task (ie: "toc" class if it's a pagination link). This means the pagination links can be styled and arranged any way you like. The script enlists the help of the jQuery library for its engine. Lets see a rundown of the script's features now:

  • Both the contents to show as part of the glider plus the pagination links used to toggle them are created from ordinary HTML content on the page. The pagination links can be styled, arranged, even selectively removed anyway you like.
  • The gliding contents can be retrieved from an external file on your server via Ajax, instead of defining them inline on the page. new
  • Pagination interface is gently faded into view.
  • Supports two different display modes- "manual" and "slideshow." In slideshow mode, the glider automatically rotates the contents until the user explicitly clicks on one of the pagination links to view a particular content.
  • With slideshow mode, specify optional number of cycles glider should go through in slideshow mode before it stops.
  • Ability to configure the "glide in" duration (in milliseconds), plus glide direction..
  • Optional persistence feature to remember and recall the last content viewed by the user when they return to the page within the same browser session (session only cookies).
  • Multiple Featured Content Sliders per page supported.

from geektechs

FriendDeck: An aggregator for friendfeed.


What is FriendDeck?

FriendDeck is an aggregator of the real-time web built upon the services of FriendFeed.

FriendDeck is available via the web and as an Adobe AIR application, uniquely allowing you to share your profile between the two so that you are always able to access the realtime web that interests you.

What can FriendDeck do?

FriendDeck can perform many functions including:

  • Track the topics you are interested in as they occur;
  • Aggregate social feeds of people you are intersted in;
  • Participate in converstations on events as they occur.

from geektechs

Simple Random / Rotating Ads Plugin for WordPress


Random / Rotating Ads Plugin for WordPress

The Datafeedr Random Ads plugin is a free plugin which allows you to simply and easily show random ads anywhere in your template files or using widgets.

from geektechs

How-to Remove Mikeyy Worm from Twitter Profile Step by step guide and fix



Mikeyy is variant of an internet worm spreading through the Twitter stream disguise itself under a short url, which looks legitimate but it’s not. It hijacks the twitter user account who clicked on the disguised link.

how to fix the worm issue .. find out follow the link

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