FontJazz - Embed fonts on web pages

. Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FontJazz is a tiny typographic engine written in JavaScript, enabling webdesigners and developers to use any typeface on a website!

FontJazz does not take the usual road, where an image is generated on the server-side, for every headline - an approach that is rather ineffective.

Instead, FontJazz implements a simple type-rendering engine in JavaScript, which means that any headlines are rendered 100% client-side, without any kind of server-side dependencies or bandwidth overhead.

Unlike traditional web-font solutions, FontJazz requires the user's browser to fetch only a single image and a tiny JavaScript file, and only once for any number of headlines!

from geektechs

Secure and stable server setup with CentOS : TechGuides : Open Source : ZDNet Asia

. Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Secure and stable server setup with CentOS

By Vincent Danen, Special to ZDNet Asia
Monday, May 25, 2009 11:15 AM
CentOS is an operating system that is completely compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Here's how to optimize CentOS setup with RPMForge and Utter Ramblings repositories.

CentOS is a great server operating system that is completely compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As a result, nearly all of the packages available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux will work with CentOS.

The current release of CentOS is 5.3. One of the nice things about CentOS is that it has a focus on security and stability. The downfall, of course, is that it comes at the expense of newer versions of software.

One example is PHP, which in CentOS is a security-patched copy of 5.1.6, whereas the current upstream version of PHP is 5.2.8. Using third-party repositories, you can have the stable base of CentOS with more up-to-date packages (of course, it goes without saying that you sacrifice some of the stability that makes CentOS so good by doing so).

There are two third-party repositories that come into play here. The first is the RPMForge repository which will provide a number of useful updates, and the second is the Utter Ramblings repository which will provide new versions of PHP, Apache, and MySQL.

To set up RPMForge, you need to download the rpmforge-release file. This can be done by executing:

# rpm -ivh  rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

Make note of the architecture in both the URL and the filename itself; if you are running on x86_64, change the “i386″ as appropriate. Once this is downloaded and installed, RPMForge is set up. Setting up the Utter Ramblings repository is slightly different. On the CentOS server, execute the following to install the signing key for the repository:

# rpm --import

Next, create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/utterramblings.repo with the following contents:

name=Jason's Utter Ramblings Repo

This will set up the Utter Ramblings repository.

At this point, both repositories are set up. Execute yum update to update the metadata for the repositories; it will also install any new packages it finds (from RPMForge there are quite a few).

If you do opt to allow yum to update packages, note that the xdelta package will conflict on an x86_64 system. To remove this blocking package, execute:

# rpm -e xdelta-1.1.3-20.i386

This is only a problem on x86_64, however, as both the 32-bit and 64-bit xdelta packages are installed by default.

You may also wish to disable the repositories and call them only when you need to install certain packages, or add the yum priorities plugin to prevent third-party repositories from overriding the main repositories. This is really useful if you want to keep as close to the CentOS release as possible, but still want to use certain other packages from the third-party repositories.

To use priorities, install the yum plugin:

# yum install yum-priorities

Then, navigate to /etc/yum.repos.d/ and edit the various .repo files contained in the directory. In each section you can add a priority=X line that defines the priority for the repository. For the main repositories, the priority should be 1, and for third-party repositories this number should be higher (1 is the highest priority, 99 is the lowest).

To find the packages provided by a given repository, use yum list and grep the output for the repository name:

# yum list | grep utter

This will show all of the packages available in the utterramblings repository. This repository essentially only provides the latest Apache, PHP, and MySQL.

Third-party repositories are great ways of getting extra functionality out of your CentOS system that is not provided by the rather conservative base package list. With it, on my own CentOS server, I managed to easily upgrade my AMP stack to the latest versions, get the latest Subversion, and the latest Nagios, without compiling a thing.

Vincent Danen works on the Red Hat Security Response Team and lives in Canada. He has been writing about and developing on Linux for over 10 years.

from geektechs

Top 10 Traits of Terrific Tweeters| Terriffic Twitter Traits

. Saturday, May 23, 2009

I know some of you hate twitter and are sick of hearing about it. However,
if everyone had a few more of these Twitter traits, I think Twitter would be a better place.

Terrific Traits to have on Twitter

1. Respect for all users of Twitter.

2. Responsive to as many tweeps as possible.

3. Does not unfollow people to increase their numbers or self esteem.

4. Helpful to others.

5. Sense of humor.

6. Not a snob or "Twob". You know who you are!
A twob is a twitter snob who only interacts with tweeps who have a bigger follower count than them.

7. Attempts to be entertaining. (It's the twought that counts.)

8. Contributes to the twitter community.

9. Non judgemental.

10. Reciprocation. Believes Twitter is a Two way street. Does not use EVERY tweet to sell something.

If most of this list describes your tweeting, then you will not need luck or
the crazy guy to get 16,000 new followers (eventually)

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This is why you have to pay attention to warning signs


from geektechs

Top Websites For Laughing At Others

. Friday, May 22, 2009

F*** My  Life

What it is:  A site filled with anecdotes of people’s humorous and sometimes extreme misfortunes.

Today, I was watching TV with a cup of coffee. My mum asked if I wanted a mars bar. I said that would be great and she proceeded to throw one at me, catching me off guard. The mars bar went straight into my coffee, spilling it over my bare legs. I now have a scald mark on my penis. FML

Sorry I Missed Your Party

What it is:  They troll online photo sites to discover pictures of random parties that look like you had to be there.


My Life Is Average

What it is:  A surprisingly amusing FML-clone that focuses on the mundane aspects of life.  Because it focuses on the average rather than outrageous, you find yourself relating to a lot and scrolling through multiple pages.

Today, I was txting my friend. I accidentally sent it to the wrong person. It was not a revealing or embarrassing message. Everything is all right. MLIA

Today, I was bored so I went on Facebook even though I was just on it two minutes earlier. Very little had changed. I was not surprised.

Texts From Last Night

What it is:  A collection of text messages that people probably wish they hadn’t sent.

(413): I just woke up in the 4th floor lounge at 5:30AM with my ipod on to springsteen and a condom on

Awkward Family Photos

What it is:  Just what it sounds like.  People submit the most ridiculous family snapshots ever taken.


2 dads?

I’m So Bad At Sex

What it is:  A chance to read about other people’s failed sexcapades.
Excerpt:  Visit the site if mom and dad let you watch R rated movies to laugh at some horror stories.  Here’s a tame one:

After a few drinks at a party I had convinced a hot blonde to come back to my place.  I made sure my roommate would not be back for some time and invited her in. She sat me down on my bed and pulled out a blindfold.  She covered my eyes and laid me down on my bed, then decided to tie my arms to the bed posts and “slip on something comfier”.  After 10 minutes I started to wonder where she was and started to get angry and slowly began to struggle free from the rope she had applied to my wrists.  After an hour or so of struggling, I finally heard a voice, however it sounded very familiar.  The person came over and removed the rope and my blindfold.  Sheer horror and embarrasment came over me when I saw my roommate standing there and all of our posessions missing.  We never found our things again and the number she had given me was the Chinese restaurant down my street. We had to take out a student loan of $4000 to cover all that had been taken!  I’m so bad at sex.

from geektechs

Twitter Hashtags - Understand Their Value and How to Use Them


Question: When I see someone tweet and use the symple "#" what does that mean?

This is a common question that comes from new users of Twitter. When you see a tweet with the "#" symbol and a word following that is a Twitter hashtag. It's the way that individuals place metadata into their tweets, in other words they provide a way for others to research and find tweets that surround a specific topic or event.

There are so many ways to use Twitter and a few tips and tricks that can help us be more effective when using Twitter as a social media option. One trick includes Twitter Hashtags. We can use hashtags to organize and group topics and events as well as use them to research current trends on Twitter. This week I share with you how you can use Twitter hashtags and give you an overview of the value they contain when it comes to social media marketing.

from geektechs

TomTom brings costly connected services to mid-range XL LIVE


In theory, we've no qualms with TomTom's LIVE services. Sure, they're over-hyped, overpriced and generally slow to react, but they're definitely nice extras on an otherwise vanilla PND. That said, we simply can't (and won't, ever) justify the crazy monthly rates for having access to basic information that even a dumb smartphone could find. Nevertheless, TomTom's doing its darnedest to push those very services to the masses by trickling 'em down from the GO 740 LIVE to its popular XL model. Folks across the pond can pick one up next month for €219 ($301) or €249 ($342) depending on whether you need a regional model or one with 42 European nations, but you'll still be asked to shell out €9.95 ($14) per month if you want those LIVE services.

from geektechs

BlackBerry Storm 2: the official unofficial hands-on


We've been bumping into the new BlackBerry Storm 2 for quite a while now on the so-called "information superhighway," but we've finally had a chance to escalate those encounters and spend a few sweet moments with a live unit in the flesh. First off, let's confirm the huge news: RIM's abandoned the original Storm's SurePress click-screen and gone with a traditional fixed capacitive display for the sequel. It's over, guys. Unfortunately, the Verizon-branded dual-mode GSM / CDMA unit that we played with has a bug preventing us from getting past the license screen so we couldn't dive deep into the OS (and yeah, we tried scrolling to the bottom of the agreement -- no dice), but we can tell you what we do know: the Storm 2's sleeker style and more heft combined with the newly-stable screen collaborate to make everything feel a wee bit higher end than the original. Follow the break for more impressions!

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15 Funny Sports Quotes


Professional Athletes are not always known for their intelligence. Many are not especially articulate… okay, most of them are not known to be articulate. This is a list of the top 15 people who made us laugh, either by being completely clueless, stating the obvious, or just by being outrageous.

Quotes 1 - 5


1. “Left hand, right hand, it doesn’t matter. I’m amphibious.” – Charles Shackleford

To be fair… He can actually breathe underwater too.

2. “Any time Detroit scores more than 100 points and holds the other team below 100 points, they almost always win.” – Doug Collins

… Almost? What happens the other times?

3. “I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father” –Greg Norman

And all of his other parents he failed to mention.

4. “Rich Folkers is throwing up in the bullpen.” –Jerry Coleman

He’s sick? I hope he can still pitch today.

5. “The drivers have one foot on the brake, one on the clutch, and one on the throttle.” –Bob Varsha

Now that’s impressive driving.

Quotes 6 - 10

Board 4

6. “You can sum up this sport [boxing] in two words: ‘You never know.’” -Lou Duva

Only two? Ok, can’t argue with that.

7. “When you get that nice celebration coming into the dugout and you’re getting your ass hammered by guys—there’s no better feeling than to have that done.” -Matt Stairs

Umm… what?

8. “The NFL, like life, is full of idiots.” –Randy Cross

Truer words were never spoken.

8. “He’s a guy who gets up at six o’clock in the morning regardless of what time it is.” –Lou Deva… again.

….Ok Lou, ok.

10. “You don’t like to see hookers going down on players like that.” –Murry Mexted

I guess in context it makes sense…

Quotes 11 - 15


11. “I dunno. I never smoked any Astroturf.” –Tug Mcgraw

After being asked if he preferred grass or Astroturf, the Tugger responded with this gem.

12. “Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical.” –Yogi Berra

And just because Yogi gave us so many, a bonus: “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

13. “We’re going to turn this team around 360 degrees.” –Jason Kidd

So, you’re going to turn it all the way around and continue in the direction it was originally going? On second thought, maybe you should stay in college Jason.

14. “He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings.” –Torrin Polk

That’s the most important thing a college football coach can offer his team. Earings.

15. Reporter: “Did you visit the Parthenon while in Greece?”
Shaquille O’Neill: “I can’t really remember the names of all the clubs we went to.”

At least you well represented the NBA while there, Shaq.

from geektechs

15 Hilarious Examples of Geek Graffiti


So, I have scoured the Internet and put together a list of 15 very funny examples of graffiti that is either aimed at geeks, or by geeks. This is definitely not your typical graffiti. Enjoy - oh, and be sure to point us to other similar examples in the comments. Click the images for a larger view.

Graffiti Examples 1 - 5






Geekgraffiti 3.Jpg


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Geekgraffiti 7.Jpg

Graffiti Examples 6 - 10


Geekgraffiti 1.Jpg


Geekgraffiti 10.Jpg


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Picture 1-97

Graffiti Examples 11 - 15








Geekgraffiti 6.Jpg


Picture 2-67

Bonus Graffiti

1217 Ayb.Jpg

from geektechs

23 Signs You are Addicted To Social Media

. Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let’s take a look and answer a few tell-tale signs that indicate you are more than likely addicted to social media.

  1. You update your facebook whenever you leave the computer, whether you are gone for a minute to get some coffee, or leaving the office for the day.
  2. You spend more time conversing with your online friends than you do with your own family.
  3. The pictures you take are not for “memories” but rather updating your social networking profiles.
  4. When you hear a joke in person, you say “lol” instead of actually laughing out loud.
  5. Your social media friend accounts significantly out number your real life friends.
  6. You can type faster than you can talk.
  7. Social networks are your main point of contact with your friends.
  8. You hear direct message “pings” in your head when you are away from the computer.
  9. You bought a new cell phone specifically to be more efficient in operating your daily social networking activities when away from your computer.
  10. You constantly putting a “@” symbol in front of someone’s name, whether in an email, on a forum, or even writing by hand.
  11. You go through withdrawals when you can’t access your favorite social media site as a result of a server down, blocked at work, or no wi-fi connection available.
  12. When you meet someone new, you give them a link to your twitter account instead of your phone number/email address.
  13. When asked how much time you spend on social media sites each day, you take the actual time spent and divide it by 3…so if you spend 6 hours on it, you tell others it was only 2.
  14. You skip a meal in order to spend more uninterrupted time on your favorite social network.
  15. For news information you use sites such as,, or twitter search opposed to CNN, foxnews, or the WSJ.
  16. You “tweet” while driving.
  17. It feels good to be part of something “viral” and to help spread it.
  18. You have attended a “tweetup”.
  19. While attending the above mentioned “tweetup” you “tweeted” the event to others.
  20. If you meet someone in person, you commonly refer to them by their online handle instead of their real name.
  21. You don’t view the “fail whale” as a sign to step away from the computer, but instead an opportunity to jump over to another social media site for the time being.
  22. You are reading this blog post and nodding your head in agreement.
  23. After nodding your head, you decide you are indeed addicted to social media and" target="_blank">tweet this post!

So are you addicted yet?  Any other signs that should be added to the list?

from geektechs

Read the label first! .. totally hilarious!


Some actual product warning labels:

On the bottle-top of a (UK) flavoured milk drink -

On a New Zealand insect spray -

In a US guide to setting up a new computer -
(Make sense…except these instructions we’re IN THE BOX!)

In some countries (like W. Virginia:), on the bottom of Coke bottles -

On a Sears hairdryer -
( Now THAT I’d like to see! )

On a bag of Fritos -
(The shoplifter special!)

On a bar of Dial soap -
(And that would be how?)

On Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert (printed on BOTTOM of the box)
(oops…Too late! You lose!)

On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding -
(Are you sure? Let’s experiment.)

On a Korean kitchen knife -
(Dammit! Who are they to tell me what to do with my kids?)

On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights -
(As opposed to what…use in outer space?)

On an American Airlines packet of nuts -
(I’m sure glad they cleared that up.)

On a Swedish chainsaw -
(What kind of consumer phone-call led to this warning?)

On a child’s superman costume -
That’s right, destroy a universal childhood fantasy!)


from geektechs

100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges

. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Twitter is a fun and useful tool, but there are a lot of quirks, rules, and standards that come along with it. To be effective on Twitter, you’ll need to learn the lingo, mechanics, and the ins and outs of interacting with followers. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tips that can help you do just that.

For Beginners

If you’re just getting started, be sure to follow these tips.

  1. Set up your profile: Give people a glimpse beyond what your tweets reveal.
  2. Include a picture: Make sure you add a photo of yourself so that your tweets will be more personal.
  3. Create a simple and short Twitter name: The longer your Twitter ID, the more space it takes up, and having a complicated name can make it hard for people to respond to or mention you.
  4. Just do it: Don’t just lurk-jump into the conversation.
  5. Make your profile link something that tells more about you: Share your blog, an about me page, or any other page that offers more information about the person behind the tweets.
  6. Share photos: Post your photos on Twitter to shake things up a bit and add some interest to your stream.
  7. Use proper grammar: Occasional abbreviations are passable, but make sure that your tweets are readable.
  8. Use your real name: Build your personal brand by choosing your real name as your Twitter ID.
  9. List your location: Many people use Twitter for local networking, so they’ll be more likely to follow you if they know where you are.
  10. Learn the lingo: If you don’t know what DM, @, RT, and other Twitter symbols and words are, look them up or ask.
  11. Don’t rush to build your network: Don’t follow hundreds of people right away-allow your following to grow organically.
  12. Reply to someone with @: Place an @ sign in front of someone’s name on Twitter to write to them specifically, or simply just mention them-they will be notified that you did so.
  13. Shrink your URLs: Use a URL shortener like TinyURL or to make it easier to fit into 140 characters.
  14. Use your mobile device: Tweet from your phone, iPod, or other mobile device to keep your Twitter updated on the go, using the mobile web or text.
  15. Find your friends: Use Twitter’s search in order to find your friends, organizations, and others that you may want to follow on Twitter.
  16. Go public: Keep your tweet public so that people can get to know you before deciding to blindly follow.
  17. Make it easy for others to find your tweets: Use a hashtag (#) in order to be more a part of a popular conversation.
  18. Use abbreviations: Make use of codes like LOL, BRB, and NSFW to save space and reading effort.
  19. Remove and/or block problem followers: If you don’t want to follow someone anymore, you can remove them, and if you don’t want your tweets to appear in their timeline, you can block them.
  20. Remove irrelevant words: Use only the words that are completely necessary to get your message across.
  21. Go private: Make your account private if you don’t want to share your updates with the world.

Finding Friends

In order to really use Twitter, you’ll need to build your own community and find people to follow.

  1. Find people with similar interests: Check out Twitter directories to find people in your niche and interests, as well as those in your location.
  2. Don’t sweat finding followers: Twitter isn’t about quantity, but quality-focus on building good relationships with those you follow.
  3. Follow genuine people: Avoid only following people that want to game the system-build relationships with people.
  4. Keep an eye on Facebook statuses: Many Facebook users tie their status to Twitter-if you see any @ signs in there, chances are they are on Twitter.
  5. Share your passions in life: Discuss your hobbies and interests, and hash tag them so others can find you-and find others this way as well.
  6. List yourself in directories: Make sure you’re easy to find by putting your Twitter name in relevant directories.
  7. Get out from behind the curtain: Participate in meetups to meet your followers face to face, and get connected with others.
  8. Be informative: Share links, video, and more in order to be interesting and valuable to the Twitter conversation.
  9. Follow influencers: Follow important people on Twitter and interact with them to get lots of value.
  10. Follow the people that you think are interesting: Listen to people that say things you’re interested in hearing.
  11. Be funny and interesting: Make your timeline entertaining so that others will want to follow you.
  12. Make yourself an authority: Share invaluable knowledge that would be missed if you stopped tweeting.

Keeping Followers

Once you’ve got followers, be sure to keep them by following these guidelines.

  1. Don’t spam: Just don’t. Excessive DMs, repeated messages, and constant annoying information will get you unfollowed quickly.
  2. Follow back: For goodness sakes, reciprocate. If someone is following you, and they offer some value, go ahead and follow them back-you can always take it back later.
  3. Don’t make Twitter an extension of your blog: Twitter about your blog, but go beyond it as well-Twitter isn’t RSS.
  4. Take it easy: Don’t tweet incessantly-or you’ll flood the windows of others so much that they’ll want to stop listening.


These are some of the ideas and things you can tweet about.

  1. Share your announcements: Let people know about your achievements-shows, interviews, big trips.
  2. Tweet useful links: Found something interesting, useful, or funny? Share it with your Twitter network.
  3. Have fun: Be social, make connections, and use Twitter for good.
  4. Share multimedia: Twitter loves photos, videos, and more, so share good multimedia.
  5. Update daily: Update at least once a day so your followers have something to follow along with.

Developing Relationships

These tips explain how to develop good relationships with your Twitter followers.

  1. Ask questions, give answers: Help others out, and ask for their opinions to improve relationships.
  2. Check your @ replies: Make sure you know who is mentioning you by looking at your @ replies, and responding to them.
  3. Collaborate with others: Share information and work closely with others in your niche on Twitter.
  4. Show gratitude: If someone’s helped you out, be sure to thank them publicly.
  5. Be a human being: Share personal information and show people that you’re a human being.
  6. Provide value: Share your knowledge and give people a reason to listen when you tweet.
  7. Give shout outs: Mention your Twitter friends and give them the spotlight.
  8. Meet off of Twitter: Go to Tweetups and meet other users, or organize your own.
  9. Retweet: If someone you’re following offers valuable information, retweet it, and you can simultaneously share it with more people and show the person you retweeted that you appreciate them.
  10. Respond to every reply: If someone writes directly to you, be sure to acknowledge them by responding to their tweet.
  11. Be genuine: Avoid being false-stay honest and let people see yourself.
  12. Keep an eye on your reply ratio: You should keep your ratio or normal tweets to reply tweets in balance in order to stay original while still actively engaging others.
  13. Take extended or private conversations to DM: If there’s too much quantity, or a privacy issue involved, don’t Tweet in public-share via DM.

Getting Value

Here we’ll take a look at how you can best get value out of Twitter.

  1. Join the conversation: Read what others are doing and reply to what you’re interested in.
  2. Ask for help: Use Twitter to get your questions answered and find a lending hand.
  3. Keep your tweets short enough to retweet: If you want to be retweeted, make sure to leave extra space for at least "RT @yourname" to be added.
  4. Keep up with the Twitter blog: Find out about technical problems, community issues, and more from the Twitter blog.
  5. Stay active: Don’t use Twitter passively-be an active user to get the most value from it.
  6. Follow the news: Twitter is a great source for breaking news-often beating mainstream media to the punch by hours.
  7. Tweet during peak times: People are most likely to see your tweets during US business hours, so time your usage accordingly.
  8. Stay on top of your friends: Use Twitter as a service to stay well connected with your real-life friends.
  9. Connect with companies for better service: Use connections on Twitter to address your customer complaints.
  10. Meet celebrities: You can often have a conversation with celebrities on Twitter, even if it’s one sided.
  11. Track mentions of keywords: Set up a service to notify you whenever certain keywords are used on Twitter.


These are actions that are best avoided on Twitter.

  1. Remember to tweet like your grandma’s listening: Twitter is public, and even if you keep things private, you can never be too careful.
  2. Give information about links: Don’t just share links without any explanation-tell your followers why they need to visit.
  3. Keep it all to one tweet: You’re limited to 140 characters-keep it that way unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  4. Don’t share EVERYTHING you do: Don’t share useless details about your cat or grilled cheese sandwich for lunch-make things a little more interesting.
  5. Stop arguing: Debate is fine, but too much tense back and forth will turn followers off.
  6. Avoid automatic DMs: Don’t set up your account to send welcome DMs to new followers-it’s considered impersonal and bad form.
  7. Make sure your background doesn’t look like an advertisement: Many users choose to customize their background-just be careful not to take it too far.
  8. Keep your follow to following ratio fairly even: You should be following about the same amount of people who follow you-too far either way makes you look like a spammer or a snob.
  9. Don’t expect unrelated people to follow you back: If your Twitter is all about how you sell real estate in California, someone in Texas with no unifying interests to you is just not likely to want to reciprocate.
  10. Don’t be an island: Engage your followers, and show that you’re a part of the community.
  11. Don’t make it a following contest: If your main goal on Twitter is to amass as many Twitter followers as possible, you’ll end up turning a lot of followers off.
  12. Do not autorespond: Autoresponders take the personality out of Twitter-individually connect instead.
  13. Don’t always push your agenda: Twitter is a great marketing tool, but it will backfire on you if you abuse it.

For Business

Follow these tips if you’re a business on Twitter.

  1. Don’t automate: Impersonality is the bane of Twitter-you’ll get more attention by engaging others and being genuine.
  2. Use a photo instead of a logo: Make your Twitter account more personal with a photo.
  3. Share your events: Make things interesting and possibly meet your followers through events.
  4. Be personal: Show character and enforce a friendly brand for your company.
  5. Share contests: Get followers more interested in what you tweet by holding contests.
  6. Create multiple accounts if necessary: Set up an official account and others for individual employees if you’d like.
  7. Follow relevant people: Connect with colleagues, journalists, competitors, and people who love your brand.
  8. Share your business culture with OHs (overheards): Let people listen in to what’s happening in your office by repeating fun moments and comments.
  9. Gather information: Ask Twitter followers what they’d like to see from you, and how you can improve.
  10. Monitor your brand: Use alerts to find out what people are saying about your business, and respond to them.
  11. Share your media: Link to videos, interviews, and more so followers can learn more about you and your business.
  12. Talk back: Engage with those who engage you-and don’t be afraid to start conversations.

Productivity & Organization

These tips will help you keep it all together.

  1. Use a client: Whether you’re on a mobile device or your desktop, get some help from clients like TwitterFon, Twirl, or TweetDeck.
  2. Don’t feel like you have to read every tweet: You will miss some tweets, and that’s OK.
  3. Limit your Twitter time: Check in occasionally, but don’t let Twitter keep you from more important things.
  4. Don’t feel pressured to follow everyone back: While you generally should follow those who follow you, if someone offers no value to you, don’t feel guilty about not following them back.

Beyond Twitter

Take things a step further with these tips.

  1. Link your Twitter and Facebook: Use the Twitter app on Facebook to automatically update your status whenever you update Twitter.
  2. Put your blog posts on Twitter: Share blog post links on Twitter to reach a greater audience.
  3. Share your Twitter ID: Put your Twitter ID on your email, business cards, and other social media networks so others will know you’re on the service.
  4. Tell others about Twitter: Get people in your real life on Twitter, and you’ll have a great new way to communicate with them.
  5. Include a link to tweet blog posts: On your blog, place a link that allows readers to send out a tweet about your post.

from geektechs

Useful lists for web designers, programmers and bloggers

. Monday, May 18, 2009

This page contains a collection of some interesting lists which contain useful resources for web designers, programmers and bloggers. If you want to add your list, please add a comment!


- 7 Powerful image carousels for web designers
- 10 Beautiful Web UI libraries
- 16 Outstanding free Dreamweaver extensions
- Interesting resources to add new features to WordPress
- 8 Interesting CMS for e-commerce websites
- Useful resources to improve look and features of HTML Forms
- 10 Free powerful Content Management Systems
- 7 Stunning tutorials to design modern interfaces for websites
- 25 Awesome tutorials for web designers


- Useful scripts and resources Facebook-inspired
- Useful scripts to plot charts in web pages
- 10 Free CAPTCHA scripts and services for websites
- Free resources for quickly developing AJAX applications
- 6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
- Free spell checkers for HTML Forms
- Interesting Resources to learn Object Oriented Design
- Useful Ajax Auto Suggest scripts collection
- Interesting html FORM Validators
- Best Rich Text Editors ready to use in web projects
- File uploaders collection
- Best Image Croppers ready to use
- Beautiful datepickers and calendars
- 20 Great PHP framework for developers
- Resources and tutorials for developing stunning web sites
- 10 Tutorials to learn Scriptaculous
- 10 Useful articles about Database design


- 8 Interesting Adobe AIR applications for web lovers
- 10 Interesting social applications for your Google Phone
- 30 Interesting Twitter services and applications
- 5 Optimal online Photo Editors
- 5 Awesome free web hosting services
- Free tools to create your own social network Facebook-like

from geektechs

When is the best time to tweet for maximum twitter traffic and exposure?


You might wonder what the busiest times on twitter are, so you can then time your important tweets to give them the best chance of being seen by more of your followers.

Well, over the past couple of months I have received a LOT of visitors to my websites via twitter, I have charted them below showing how many visitors came at what hour of the day.

The time is set to Pacific Time, to see the difference between pacific time and your time zone, click here.

As you can see, I got most of my referrals from twitter between 1pm and 2pm.

But going on this data, it looks as though posting any time from 9am to 3pm will give you the best chance of getting exposure and traffic from twitter.

The chart shows how you could be cutting your chances of getting exposure on twitter in half depending on when you post your tweets.

Now, I think I’ll wait about 10 hours before I let my followers know about this new blog post! :)

Have you noticed any particular times or days when twitter seems most busy?

from geektechs

Free Wordpress Theme - CarsVogue - Free Download


Free Wordpress Theme - CarsVogue

CarsVogue theme is a 4 column Free WP theme with an eye catching and perfect color combination of white, grey and black with sIFR title supported.

  • Tested on Latest Wordpress version
  • 3 columns
  • Widget ready
  • Fixed Width
  • Cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari

Demo | Download | Theme URI

License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

from geektechs

How to transfer TweetDeck account settings and groups between computers


How to transfer TweetDeck account settings and groups between computers (Linux, Windows, Mac)

There are many Twitter clients out there and one of the most popular of them all is TweetDeck. TweetDeck is a very clean and polished Twitter app built on the Adobe Air environment. The reasons TweetDeck is so popular in the Twitterverse is it's unique functionality and abilities including intergration with URL shortening, StockTwits, 12seconds, TwitScoop, Twitter search, Facebook and my favorite grouping. Grouping allows you to group your twitter friends into different categories so that you can better track who you are following. You could for instance place all the blogs you follow into a group and then all the news channels you follow into a group and then all your close friends into a group, etc, etc, etc.

So since I have become a major TweetDeck fan I have slowly moved the app to each one of my computers, BUT the major issue is that my main computer has all my setting the way I like it and all the others don't. These settings and groups take quite a while to setup, so it is a lot of work to do it on each machine. So I have figured out how to transfer these settings between computers, here is what you need to do....

There are two files in which TweetDeck stores all your group and settings information, they are:

  • preferences_{username}.xml
  • td_26_{username}.db

And depending on what OS you have depends on where you will find those files. Look below and find out where you files are


/home/{username}/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.{large number}/Local Store/


C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\TweetDeckFast.{large number}\Local Store

And If you can't find it there try
C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Roaming\TweetDeckFast.{large number}\Local Store


/Users/{username}/Library/Preferences/Application Data/TweetDeckFast.{large number}/Local Store

Locate these two files based on your OS type and path above and transfer them to the same location onto your second computer. Obviously you will need to have TweetDeck installed on this second computer before you can transfer these files to the location. From there, when you start up TweetDeck on your second computer all your settings and groups should be there!

You also might be able to keep them in sync with a service like DropBox, Mozy, etc


from geektechs

Makes Me Wish for a Zombie Outbreak

2009-04-30 17:13:46 saved by 2 people

from geektechs

30+ Amazing Tutorials for Creating Icons in Photoshop


Icon is small picture that represents an object or program. Creating your own icon is really easy using Photoshop. To learn more how to create an icons for your desktop or any graphic project, here is 30+ Amazing Icon Tutorials in Photoshop.

from geektechs

If the music is too loud then you're too Old


realhidden:harlequinbaby:mjsaysmmk: (via sabino)
If the music is too loud then you're too Old

from geektechs

The Circle of "No Life"


thedailywhat:Erin Hanson: “Unemployment”[more.]

The Circle of "No Life"

vader project


from geektechs



5 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers and Developers | CSS | Smashing Magazine


Often creative and truly remarkable design solutions remain unknown because we, designers, simply overlook them. Being busy with our own projects, we sometimes try to grasp the intuition behind (probably) complex and cluttered code of other designers to understand how they manage to implement particular design ideas. In fact, by just observing the code of other developers we can learn a lot from them; we can find interesting ideas and improve the quality of our work.

As you know, we, at Smashing Magazine, are quite curious folks. We are truly interested in unusual design approaches and creative solutions. Therefore we are regularly looking for them and once we found them, we analyze them, try to understand them and try to figure out both advantages and disadvantages of the technique we have found. And in this post we want to share some of them with you.

We would like to start with 5 advanced elegant coding solutions and ask you if you are interested in this series and would like to have more similar articles. Please let us know what you think in the comments to this post. Now let’s dive in. You should probably have some CSS-knowledge already before starting reading this article.

from geektechs

10 Useful Web Application Interface Techniques


More and more applications these days are migrating to the Web. Without platform constraints or installation requirements, the software-as-a-service model looks very attractive. Web application interface design is, at its core, Web design; however, its focus is mainly on function. To compete with desktop applications, Web apps must offer simple, intuitive and responsive user interfaces that let their users get things done with less effort and time.

In the past we didn’t cover web applications the way we should and now it’s time to take a closer look at some useful techniques and design solutions that make web-applications more user-friendly and more beautiful. This article presents the first part of our extensive research on design patterns and useful design solutions in modern web applications. Below you’ll find a collection of 10 useful interface design techniques and best practices used in many successful web-applications.

from geektechs

9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine


By now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers. Delight and satisfy your visitors, rather than frustrate and annoy them, with smart design decisions. Here are 9 usability problems that websites commonly face, and some recommended solutions for each of them.

from geektechs

The 50 best movie robots - Times Online


The 50 best movie robots

To coincide with the release of Michael Bay's epic Transformers movie we rate the most celebrated 'artifical people' in movies

from geektechs